Home care


Living with respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD, or cystic fibrosis can be challenging. But managing your symptoms can be easier with the help of a portable nebulizer. These handy devices convert medication into a fine mist that you can easily inhale directly into your lungs, providing targeted relief.

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Living with respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD, or cystic fibrosis is challenging. But you can manage your symptoms more effectively with a portable nebuliser. These devices convert medication into a fine mist that you can easily inhale directly into your lungs, providing targeted relief.

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You can help your child manage their respiratory condition with the right tools. A kid-friendly nebuliser is a game-changer for less stressful treatment time.

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Emergency Devices

Rethinking Resuscitation: Seconds that save lives!

Breath4Life is the only mask that goes under the tongue (special guedel) and the cannulas kit has every oral size and a nasal cannula. It is the only one in the market that is fitted with a round connector ISO 22 mm for a safe and easy transition to many other devices! Including endoscopes, endotracheal tubes, cameras, respirators and oxygen lines and more!

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