

Tailored Breathing Support: BiPAP machines offer more customized therapy compared to CPAP. They deliver two adjustable pressure settings, one for inhalation (higher) and another for exhalation (lower), providing optimal support for various respiratory issues.

Effective Treatment for Complexities: BiPAP therapy is ideal for patients with conditions like COPD, CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), and acute respiratory failure. It assists breathing, improves oxygen levels, and reduces carbon dioxide buildup.

Reduced Need for Intubation: By providing non-invasive ventilation, BiPAP can often prevent the need for invasive procedures, promoting patient comfort and faster recovery.

Introducing the ST30K BiPAP with our partner at Micomme Medical our solution to address your needs in Non-Invasive Ventilation and High Flow O2 Therapy.
With a carefully engineered turbine to take the pressure treatment to a new level, ensuring an accurate and stable pressure independently of the leakage level.

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